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Chongqing cat goods - Dingjiu hot pot bottom material
Source: Ding Jiu Hong Number of views: Date: December 12, 2018
String bottom material I choose Dingjiu high quality red string bottom material
On the basis of inheriting the classic taste of traditional skewers, cat cargo adopts zero addition of disposable pot bottom, large-scale innovation of raw material selection, breaking through the traditional skewer flavor type, making the skewer taste level more rich。Since the launch of the "cat goods string" brand, its brand market positioning, style, and products have been widely recognized and sought after by consumers and the media, and have been unanimously praised by the industry。Aloof and aloof, everything does not enter the cat's eye, this is your eyes of me, after all, and the outside of those sexy string is not the same, no spicy not string, we are cat goods, is not the same。